Our vision across OneChurch Harrow is to grow communities of people who are reaching out in various ways to their neighbourhoods, exploring different expressions of what is means to be church. OneChurch Everywhere is a collection of groups and activities that meet on the first Sunday of each month to grow together as FAMILY and seek JUSTICE by blessing those around us in a variety of ways.

Please see the list below for current groups hosted by our churches and church plants on the first Sunday of the month. We hope to add new opportunities and groups to this list in the coming months:

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our vision across One Church Harrow is to reach 10% of Harrow with the good news of Jesus, by building communities of people who are reaching out in different ways to their neighbourhoods, offering different expression of what is means to be church. We are prioritising this vision by using the first Sunday of each month to allow everyone to be involved in this mission to reach Harrow in a variety of ways. In time, we hope that some of these groups may grow into missional communities or church plants of their own.

  • The recent pandemic has caused many of us to reconsider our understanding of Church. In the New Testament, Christian believers met in a variety of ways, in homes, synagogues and outdoors to eat together, pray, worship and reach out to their neighbours. All of this was what it meant for them to be the Church. OneChurch Everywhere is an invitation to grow our vision for how we can connect with God and with others whether we are eating, praying or serving together.

And finally: If you are have ideas for a different missional activity or group on the first Sunday of the month, we’d love to hear from you. Can you find one or two others who share your vision and could help organise a group to bless those beyond our usual church community? Please talk to your church leader to discuss this further.